Mad in America: The Dramatic Results of John Weir Perry’s Diabasis House Program

My new article is about the revolutionary work of John Weir Perry, the leading Jungian in the area of compassionate treatment of extreme states. I completed the follow-up research on his Diabasis House. It was a medication-free program for young adults going through extreme states/psychosis. We were close friends and colleagues for many years, until John’s death in 1998.

John Weir Perry

Scrambling Our Children’s Brains with Electricity – The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 12/18/19

In this new video, Dr. Peter Breggin and I discuss with Dr. Ken Castleman, the frightening new Monarch eTNS electric brain device being prescribed for use all night long on children diagnosed with ADHD. Ken is a Biomedical Engineer who taught at Cal-Tech and has served on NASA’s space shuttle program. He is very concerned about the effects of the Monarch’s sustained electric current on the vulnerable, developing brains of children. At one point, Ken said, “I know how electricity works, and what it does to human tissue.” I believe he does.



New video about ways to compassionately be present with someone in emotional pain

In this video introduced by good friend Will Hall, I share about being with people in extreme states for over 25,000 hours since 1980. There’s a brief experiential exercise at the end you could try, that helps caregivers be more compassionately present with people in extreme states and other emotional pain. The video is from the recent RD Laing gathering at Esalen Institute.


Mad in America: Monarch eTNS Inspires “Stop the Psychiatric Abuse of Children!” (SPAC!)

Hi All,

I co-authored this brief article with good friend Dr. Peter Breggin, about the new international advocacy project we’re starting called “Stop the Psychiatric Abuse of Children” (SPAC!). Please join us in spreading the alert about the new children’s Monarch eTNS electrical brain device approved by the FDA, and in opposing all the psychiatric harm done to children that we document in our article.

Thank you!

Michael Cornwall, PhD

Director – SPAC!

Stop Psychiatric Abuse of Children (SPAC) Launches Tomorrow

Hi All,

I’ll be serving as director for a new activism project called “Stop the Psychiatric Abuse of Children” or SPAC, as described in Peter Breggin’s article at Mad in America.

Peter and I will be publicly launching the SPAC project on his Progressive Radio Network (PRN.FM) program on Wednesday, June 12, 2019, at 4:00 PM EST. Please join us on the air with your calls (888-874-4888).

Thank you.




Mad in America: FDA Approves Using Electricity All Night Long on Children’s Brains

Hi All,

Here’s my article about the newly FDA-approved Orwellian electric brain device for so-called ADHD, that’s kept stuck on children’s foreheads all night while they sleep. It has side effects of headache, fatigue, teeth clenching, and sleep problems.

Please speak out against this psychiatric human rights abuse being done to minor children who can’t say no to it happening to them.




Mad in America: Reflections on 25,000 Hours of Being With People in Extreme States

Hi All,

Here’s my brief new essay on 40 years of compassionately being with people in extreme states and other forms of emotional and spiritual suffering, without viewing or relating to them based on the pathologizing psychiatric disease model.



The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour: Let’s Talk About Dreams – Recorded Discussion

Hi All,

Here’s the recorded discussion I had with Peter Breggin on the healing value of exploring both the personal and archetypal levels of dreams, including when people are in extreme states. I share a unique and practical teaching on understanding dreams that Carl Jung shared with my mentor, John Weir Perry.

Best wishes,


Mad in America: Having Empathy Doesn’t Mean That You Also Have Compassion!

Hi All,

In my new blog post here, I share that to feel empathy doesn’t ensure that caring and compassion are present too, and that some of the most highly empathic people I’ve ever known have been con artists, manipulative politicians, psychiatric dogma-bound mental health professionals, career criminals, and seductive and exploitative spiritual teachers and gurus.

Best wishes,



Mad in America: Letting Negative Projective Identifications Come, and Letting Them Go

Hi All,

My new article looks at how some of the stress you may be feeling these days, could be coming from the powerful emotional projections of politicians and others that are aimed at causing the public to feel as afraid and vulnerable as those politicians and others are actually feeling inside themselves.
